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#!/usr/bin/env bash
#set template path
########## Move git repo to standard location
cd ~
mv alex-environ .alex-environ
########## Create .config if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ~/.config
########## Copy templates into local files then edit them with vim.
cd ~/.alex-environ/setup/templates
# VIMrc (first as we are gonna use vim to edit everything else)
cat ${template_dir}/vimrc_template >> ~/.vimrc
vim ~/.vimrc
# Bash_profile
cat ${template_dir}/bash_profile_local_template >> ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
# Bashrc
cat ${template_dir}/bashrc_local_template >> ~/.bashrc
vim ~/.bashrc
# Bash logout
cat ${template_dir}/bash_logout_template >> ~/.bash_logout
vim ~/.bash_logout
# Git config
cat ${template_dir}/gitconfig_template >> ~/.gitconfig
vim ~/.gitconfig
# TMUX config
cat ${template_dir}/tmux.conf_template >> ~/.tmux.conf
vim ~/.tmux.conf
# SSH config
cat ${template_dir}/sshconfig_template >> ~/.ssh/config
vim ~/.ssh/config
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
########## Setup the git hooks which run when this repo is pulled
cp ${template_dir}/post-merge ~/.alex-environ/.git/hooks
########## Create authorized_keys and run the auth keys script
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
########## Link files which do not support includes
##### In .config
ln -s ${environ_home}/.config/flake8 ~/.config/flake8
ln -s ${environ_home}/.config/pylintrc ~/.config/pylintrc
ln -s ${environ_home}/.config/matplotlib ~/.config/matplotlib
ln -s ${environ_home}/.config/yamllint ~/.config/yamllint
ln -s ${environ_home}/.config/mypy ~/.config/mypy
##### In home dir
ln -s ${environ_home}/.fonts ~/.fonts
2024-07-09 09:52:38 +00:00
# readline
ln -s ${environ_home}/.inputrc ~/.inputrc