Worcester Bosh Digistat reverse engineering. 1. Record, in audio format using audacity, waveforms of your digistat sending and 'on' and 'off control code. I used a "soundcard logic analyser" as described here: . 2. Identify and crop one example of each transmissions (the thermostat sends it three times), using audacity, as described here . 3. Export sample data from audacity and save in save on 'code sniffing' folder. 4. Run extract.py. This will attempt to extract a code which can by used by the sender . 5. Make rf.c and run accordig to instructions in the file. If this triggers your boiler, rejoice. If not, you will probably need to tweak extract.py to provide a higher resolution code. To check what you are sending, record your send signal using audacity and compare. 6. If required, heating.py checks a webservice for heating demand, and sends the code as appropriate. Configure by copying config.json.example to config.json. The original digistat sends a 'on' or 'off code every 5 miniutes. I runn heating.py every 4 miniutes to ensure the boiler doesn't get confused.